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Oil portraits on commission

Portraits on commission

"R. Budicin's portraits are hand-painted with the same materials from the pictorial tradition from the past. The colors, in any case, are fresh and lively, and inherit the same message of the Impressionists. "
Marianna Accerboni

The oil portrait is a perfect idea for a gift or to enrich your home with a touch of personality.
It’s an original surprise and at the same time a lasting memory of a person you hold dear.
The process of creating a portrait for you is simple: just send the artist one or more photos.
The procedure will then be like that of a traditional portrait from life. You will even be able to witness the development of the painting throughout its various phases, starting from the initial sketch. This provides the opportunity to develop and revise with the painter via e-mail.

What photo to start from?
It is not necessary to have professional photos of the person being portrayed. The important thing is that there is sufficient quality from the point of view of definition.
In the same way, it is important to check that there are no distortions due to the close distance of the subject and that the lighting is able to highlight the three-dimensionality of the face.
The background can be agreed with the artist if what is in the photo it is not suitable for the artistic rendering of the work.
The artist

Roberto Budicin was born in Trieste, Italy, in 1980. He began studying portrait at the age of sixteen, in the atelier of the painter Walter Falzari, heir to the Venetian and Austrian realist pictorial tradition consolidated in Trieste, towards the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to masters like Giovanni Zangrando and Carlo Wostry.
He learned the technique of drawing and composition from his father Sergio, also a professional painter in the field of illustrations and figurative animalist painting.
Subsequently he devoted himself to a personal study that lasted around ten years, where he focused on the techniques of the masters of the seventeenth century such as Velasquez and Rembrandt, and both J.Sargent and J.Sorolla from the nineteenth century.
He began to exhibit in group exhibitions in 2007 and subsequently in various personal exhibitions, including: Trieste (Galleria Tribbio 2012, 2014, 2016 - Galleria Comunale 2013 - Glam Art 2019), Venice (Galleria Melori 2013), Udine (Galleria la Loggia 2012) National Wildlife Gallery Fort Myers Florida (2015), Bergamo (Galleria Ducale 2018)).
His paintings are present in private collections in Italy, England and the United States. Budicin uses traditional techniques and materials, following recovered procedures and
completed by himself starting from manuals and original sources from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This guarantees his paintings an intrinsic quality, in terms of harmony of colors and brilliance, that only the purity of the materials and the glazes on thin overlapping layers can give.

FAQ Frequently asked questions
How is the portrait made?
The portrait is created starting from a photographic image sent by you.
How long will it take?
The completion time will be approximately fifteen days. It is also necessary to take into account the courier shipping time, which varies depending on the country to which it is sent.
Is it possible to send a black and white photo if there is no other material available for the person being portrayed?
Yes, absolutely. The oil portrait can then be created in both black and white and color. It is possible to revive, in the painting, the faces of grandparents and great-grandparents of whom there are only black and white photographic testimonies available for.
What are the delivery methods?
The finished portrait will be shipped via courier.
What are the materials used for the painting?
The portraits on wood will be made on wooden supports. These are 5 to 6 cm thick and insulated on the back by a protective enamel. The portraits on canvas will instead be painted on 100% pure linen canvas, already isolated on the back by a protective white primer.
For the realization, oil colors will be used with high resistance against sun and humidity, and as a protective aggregate for the Chios mastic varnish.
Why choose an oil portrait?
The pictorial portrait represents a lasting memory, suitable to survive over time.
It is truly an original gift for a birthday, anniversary, communion, wedding, and for many other occasions. The oil painting creates, with the vividness of the colors and the shades, an emotional effect that simple photos are not able to provide. Once framed, a valuable pictorial portrait remains a family asset, capable of binding the faces of loved ones to art.

The most frequently used measures are listed below.
To request the price, indicate the size you are interested in by sending an e-mail to or by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

The final quality of the portrait depends in part on the original photo.
The artist will be able to provide, if necessary, the information required to obtain a good result.
Since this is an artistic portrait it is advised to take into account that it could be appropriate, in order to give the maximum dignity to the person being represented, a rearrangement in regard to the background and possibly other details.
If you think that you have one or more photos that match the above requirements, you can fill out the form below. Simply write an idea of what you wish to accomplish. You will then be contacted within 24 hours and be able to communicate directly with the artist.
Or you can write to this E-mail address:
Other links:
Personal website:
Personal website:
Blog di R. e S. Budicin: